It was September 3, 2005––the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend––when Seth and I first met Haden, the Convivio Shop Cat. She was called Cheyenne when we first met, a name that never felt quite right for our feisty tomboy kitty, and eventually we named her after our Haden mango tree, since their colors were so similar. Most often, we just called her Kitty. She stole our hearts from the start and was the perfect cat for us, brimming with personality, and definitely of above average intelligence. She would always hang around while I was printing at the press, especially, it seemed, for our annual Copperman’s Day print. Though we did not want to, we had to say goodbye last year, on the 15th of September (a date I am keenly aware of as it approaches again this year). Seth and I, we still are lost without her, and still a bit heartbroken.
Last week, I found a few old unlinked pages from an earlier incarnation of our Convivio Bookworks website. One of them is titled Sleepy Orange Cat Pictures. We built the page in 2006. If you have a kitty you love, or if you miss a kitty that’s no longer with you, or if you just like pictures of sleepy kitties… we invite you to get to know our Haden a bit better. She is very young in these pictures; just a year or so old.
Gosh we miss that cat.