

It’s Thanksgiving, the great American holiday set aside for gathering and for the counting of our blessings. The menu is practically universal across the land with very few variations, and that alone is amazing, that this melting pot of a nation can agree on something. We gather and we fret over the meal and we do the best we can to make the day as special as we can. Whether we gather with many or with but a few, what matters most is that we approach the day in the spirit of thankfulness for which the day is named. And this is our wish for you as we gather with family in Illinois and sit down to a table set for 17. I will think of all of you who read this blog and appreciate what we do and when it comes to thinking of all we are thankful for, I will remember you all, for I truly am thankful that you read, that you write back, that you share, that you enjoy what Convivio is all about. From us to you: Happy Thanksgiving.

A bit of Florida brought with us to Illinois, something the other Floridians will recognize: the famous Publix Pilgrim salt & pepper shakers. They are equally at home here in snowy Illinois as they are in sunny Florida.


4 thoughts on “Thanksgiving

  1. I’m so thankful for you and the beautiful Book of Days
    you so generously share with us! Thank you for your
    Joy and grace and the way you enrich our lives!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Bev Kagan Markowitz says:

    We have so much to be grateful for but family and friends like you are at the top of my list. Thanks for doing all you do, for the terrific blog and sharing it with the rest of us. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  3. Leslie Stewart says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, friends.
    With a grateful heart for your Book of Days postings–and also for the letterpress postcard you included with my order:)

  4. Kim Elmore says:

    I don’t have any of those S&P shakers! #jealous!!
    Happy Turkey Day JC!!

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