Your January Book of Days


The turning of the year is always a welcome time for good advice, and our advice to you this year was found scrawled on a park bench along the Lake Worth Lagoon in West Palm Beach. The graffiti didn’t last long, but before it was cleaned up I did manage to capture it so I could always remember the message. In the busy-ness of life, it is, after all, something we often forget. Let’s not.

The bench and its message are this month’s cover stars for the Convivio Book of Days calendar for January. The Book of Days calendars began way back in 2003, and this blog, simply an extension of those calendars. The calendar is free, a printable PDF document that you can print out on standard US letter size paper and pin to your bulletin board, or just download to keep on your desktop. It’s a good companion to the blog, the two informing each other. Download away!